Every baby born in Fiji must be registered, normally within 2 months of being born. Registration is free within twelve months from child’s date of birth.

Responsibility of birth registration

  • It is a mandatory requirement by law and the responsibility of both parents to register the birth of a child. In the case of death, illness or inability of father and mother, any person present at the birth or the occupier of the house may register the birth.
  • In the case of a child born and admitted to a public institution or charitable or religious institution, it is the duty of the person in charge of the institution to ascertain from the mother of the child, the information and particulars required to be registered concerning the birth.
  • For a new-born child found abandoned, the person who has found the child and has all the relevant information on the child can register the child or the Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation under the care order or as the appointed guardian can register the child.

Required documents for registration of new born baby

  • Notification of Birth from Hospital or Medical center
  • Informants valid Photo ID
  • VKB certificate (if iTaukei)
  • Parents’ Marriage Certificate (if married overseas)
  • Passport and parents birth certificate
    for non-Fiji citizens
  •  If child born out of a single parent (only the mothers name on the NOB), the biological father to accept paternity with duly completed statutory declaration. Both parents must
    sign the application form at the registry.
    In cases where both parents are in de-facto relationship and both names are on the NOB- both parents must sign the registration form at the registry.

  • After the expiration of twelve months from the date of birth of a child, a penalty fee for failing to register a child within the time limit of one year is charged. Prescribed fee for late birth registration is $20 (VEP).
  • Late birth registration requires strict verification of both the parent/s identification and the child’s details. For proof of identification for parent/s and children refer to the information below.

Late Birth Registration with NOB (for any child after the age of 1)

  • Requirements:
    •  List of siblings/issues from parent
    • Informants (parent/guardian) ID
    • Notification of birth/ confirmation of letter from MOHMS
    • Recent passport photo for child over 10 years of age
    • Parent VKB certificate for I-Taukei only
    • Child to be present before the BDM officer if the child is over 18 years of age


Late Birth Registration without NOB (for any child over 1 year of age)

  • Requirements
    •  Informant’s statutory declaration and valid photo ID
    •  Valid photo ID and statutory declarations for the 2 credible people
    •  List of siblings/issues from parents
    • Confirmatory letter from Ministry of Health and Medical Services
    • Confirmation letter from school attended or Turaga ni Koro/Advisory councilor/any evidence of existence e.g. birth medical card (clinic card)
    •  Recent passport size photo
    •  Childs VKB certificate (if iTaukei) – if registered
    • Parents VKB certificates
    • Person to be registered to be present before the BDM officer

If child born is out of a single parent, the biological father if accepted paternity, he will be able add his particulars to child’s birth certificate, with mother’s consent and if child has attained the age of 18 years – child’s consent is also needed

Required documents for addition of father’s particulars (for child below 18years):

  • Statutory declaration of both parents
  • Both parents valid photo ID
  • VKB certificate (if iTaukei)
  • If the biological father is a foreigner, need to provide his birth certificate, passport and travel history
  • If the biological father is a Fiji Citizen residing overseas, need to
    provide his birth certificate, passport and travel history

Child above the age of 18:

  • Statutory declaration of both parents
  • Both parents valid photo ID
  • VKB certificate (if iTaukei)
  • Child’s consent (statutory declaration)
  • Child’s valid photo ID
  • If the biological father is a foreigner, need to provide his birth certificate and passport
  • If the biological father is a Fiji Citizen residing overseas, need to provide his birth certificate, passport and travel history

Addition of father’s particulars – father alone (mother deceased):

  • Father’s statutory declaration
  • Father’s valid photo ID
  • VKB certificate (if iTaukei)
  • Child’s consent (statutory declaration)if child has attained the age of 18
  • Child’s valid photo ID
  • If the biological father is a foreigner; need to provide his birth certificate and passport
  • Mother’s death certificate

Addition of father particulars – mother alone:

  • Court order
  • Mother photo ID
  • VKB certificate (if iTaukei)

Legitimation of birth is a way for a father to claim legal parentage of a child born outside of Marriage.

Required documents for Legitimation of birth:

  • Marriage certificate (if foreigners)
  • Both parents valid photo ID

Change of Name

Any name change includes amending his or her given name or surname.
If your birth is registered in Fiji, any new birth certificate after name change that is issued will show the new name.
If a person has changed his or her name, he or she must only use his or her new birth certificate and must not use his or her previous birth certificate.
What is not acceptable?
The new name (or combination of names) may not be accepted for registration if:

  • It might cause offence to a reasonable person; or
  • It is unreasonably long (i.e. It’s should be less than 100 characters long, including spaces); or
    Without adequate justification, i.e. includes, or resembles, an official title or rank (in which case attach a letter of explanation); or
  • It is not a name (i.e. it must not include numbers of symbols).

Requirements are:
previous birth certificate (if any) and one of the following valid photo ID:

  • Fijian or overseas Passport bio data page · Fijian or international Driving Licence · Fiji Revenue and Customs Services/
  • Fiji National Provident Fund joint card (FRCS/FNPF Card) · Fijian Voter Card

For child under 18 years of age

  • Parent(s) to provide one of the above valid photo ID
  • Child’s passport size photo
  • Childs previous birth certificate (if any)

If information on a birth, death or marriage certificate issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages is incorrect or incomplete, you should contact the Registry to amend errors.

Applicant must provide the following:

  • Valid photo ID of the two credible person (creditability to be determined by the BDM officer)
  • Evidence or proof of document e.g. VKB certificate if correction is to be made to VKB details

Confirmatory letters are issued upon request to confirm that actual records are kept at registry, whether it is single status confirmation, confirmation of change of person’s particulars, and confirmation of no records being found in the registry concerning a particular person.

In order for a search to be done, applicant will need to bring the following requirements to the Registry:

  • Applicants signed request letter
  • Valid Photo ID of applicant
  • Search fee is $5.00 (VEP)

Births, Deaths & Marriage Office Service Fee (1st August 2023)

Searches (including issuance of letters)$5.00$0.75$5.75
Birth Certificate$10.00$1.50$11.50
Death Certificate$10.00$1.50$11.50
Marriage Certificate$15.00$2.25$17.25
Late Birth registration$20.00$3.00$23.00
Entry of addition of names or names$10.00$1.50$11.50
Addition of Fathers Particulars$10.00$1.50$11.50
Legitimate of birth$10.00$1.50$11.50
Correction of error in register other than a clerical error$10.00$1.50$11.50
Decorated Tapa marriage certificate$50.00$7.50$57.50
Notice of Intention to marry$15.00$2.25$17.25
Application for special licence$50.00$7.50$57.50
Court Marriage$50.00$7.50$57.50
Outside Marriage$100.00$15.00$115.00
Civil marriage celebrants registration fee$3000.00$450.00$3450.00